Sitka Visit August 6-7, 2017
We went to Sitka. The runway was its own island. There was a big suspension bridge to the town. We spent the night in Sitka. The next day we went to totem pole park. After that we went ocean ? kayaking. We stopped at an island where there was an old army fort. We saw 5 sea lions. After that we went to the Bishop’s House ?. Then we found Castle Hill there were 2 cannons on top of the hill. Last stop was the airport. I really liked Sitka!
Polar Bears August 8, 2017
We went to Barrow. When we got there we went to a little boardwalk that led us to the beach ?. Then we went to a park and we found whale ? bones. Then we had pizza ?. I really liked Barrow. There are lots of polar bears in Barrow. We did not see any polar bears. The end.
Jadon Ireland