Bella is my friend in Alaska. Bella and me made our bags before we went Easter egg hunting. But the 2 dads hided the easter eggs. When they were doing that we decorated bags. Then we went easter egg hunting. I searched for purple eggs. Bella had to search for pink. I had fun!
We played with the Ness Family. We went in the pool. Bella and me played in the pool together. The grown ups did strokes, like the front crawl. Then did flips underwater sometimes. Bella and me went hot tub, pool, hot tub, pool, etc. We took a picture in the hot tub.
Now we are on to skating. Up in a Alaska there is lots of skating. I went skating with Bella. Bella taught me how to ice skate. It’s almost the same as rollerblading. When you ice skate you did it on ice. When you rollerblade you did it on a road. I had to hang on to the wall and go slow. I found a little trick. It was really easy to skate. The trick was to keep your hands off the wall. And kick your feet out to the sides. Esther, Jadon, Bristol, and Hudson went ice skating too. It was fun!
We went to a restaurant with the Ness family. We got the governor’s room. We had 10 people! I had pasta with white sauce. It was yummy! Yum Yum!
On Saturday we went to Lake Lawrence for an easter egg hunt. It was really fun, because we got to find the candy inside the eggs. If you got lucky you had a tag inside of the egg. I got one so I got a toy.
Easter Sunday at our home was fun! We had dinner of course. Dying eggs was really fun! Daddy did not dye eggs. My cross nail thing was really fun. I got to nail in nails and string them. That is all I’m going to tell you about that. If you want to make one look online. I did a heart one in the middle. Really fun! Uncle Brad helped me, he’s Owen’s dad, my cousin.
Now the easter egg hunt is here. Mohrweis family came over dinner a few days later. We did an easter egg hunt with them. I did like it. It was really fun! Millie is my friend.

Rahab Ireland
For Easter this year or Easter weekend went to AK, and did some other fun stuff. So early Thursday morning we got up and went to AK. In AK we saw the Ness family, but Dad and Mr. Ness were flying. Mrs. Ness, Bella, Hudson, and Bristol picked us up at the airport, and we went to Arctic Burger. After we got some food we went ice skating! We hardly ever go ice skating it was so fun.
Mommy and Mrs. Ness did not go ice skating though but that was ok. I could beat Hudson but when I raced Bristol it would be all most a tie. When we were all done skating we went to the hotel and went swimming. When we were all done swimming Mr. Ness and Daddy got to the hotel, then we did an Easter egg hunt. The Dads went to a park to hide the eggs, while we decorated bags for our eggs to go in. We each had are own color to look for, I had to find all the yellow eggs. After all the eggs were found we went to find a place to eat dinner. We finally decided on the Glacier Brew House. It was pretty good, and we each got two giant cookies with ice cream in between the cookies (it took me forever to finish mine.) Then after dinner we went to bed. Early the next morning on Friday we had to get up to go to the airport. We got to go Daddy’s airplane and we did the milk run with him we got back to our house in WA around 6:30 p.m. We had pizza and then went to bed.
The next morning on Saturday we woke up, Jadon and Daddy went to a Baseball game, Mommy Rahab and me had to go to the chiropractor and her message. But Rahab me and Mommy accidentally broke the back window so we could not go to the chiropractor (it took forever to pick up all the glass.) After lunch Rahab and me went to the LLCC Easter egg hunt we both got eggs with candy in them I got no prize ticket though. I didn’t win the jelly bean contest either but I won the raffle ticket and got a huge bunny. The next day was Easter Sunday and April fools. That morning we ate caramel rolls, went to church, watched the last game of March Madness, and watch a baseball game. We also dyed eggs. Jadon, Rahab, and me did a craft project with Uncle Brad and Daddy we each got a piece of wood nails in a shape of a cross and wrap string around it. We had Easter dinner which Mommy made it was very good. After dinner Daddy hid eggs and we did another Easter egg hunt. I had a really fun time this Easter. I didn’t do anything for April fools.

Esther Ireland
🍿We went ANC AK to see the Ness family.
1st we went ice skating.
2nd we went swimming🏊.
3rd we got to do an easter egg hunt.
On our way home we got to fly with dad. We got Sitka pie and Ketchikan popcorn.

Jadon Ireland