Bear fruit

Tonight I witnessed my teaching leader from BSF bear fruit.  Her lecture was on the 15th chapter of John.  “If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit: apart from me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5  Tonight I not only heard her preach on it, but saw it in action.  Her principles were every follower of Jesus will bear fruit and every follower must love sacrificially.  We end at 8:30pm I’m done with the day and I can image she is as well, too.  Because she is a follower of Jesus she show loved sacrificially to my children.   My kids walked right back into the sanctuary as she was cleaning up.  She stopped and sat on the steps with my kids and talked with them.  I didn’t get to hear all the details of what was said, but that is not the point.  She sat down with them, looked them in the eye, and took the time to hear their thoughts about what they learned tonight.  Her patience and love was just pouring out of her.  I praise God for this servant, fellow sister in Christ,  he has placed into our lives.  Jadon has known her from birth.  If I recall right, she served in the baby class when Jadon was an infant over 7 years ago.  He has been prayed over by this woman his whole life.  How amazing to see God working through his servants, so that his children will know Him.  I don’t know if my kids will remember this moment.   But I do pray they will look back at their lives and realize all the people God has placed in their lives to help them bear fruit.

Bear fruit my children.



Cousin love getting ready to head to SLC!
Off to Salt Lake City!
That’s a lot of Ire…

The Ireland family headed to Utah for the second Bar Mitzvah!  This time we celebrated Ben Ireland’s Bar Mitzvah. The amount of work that he did to prepare for this day is quite incredible.  We were all praying Ben would be healthy enough to speak. Praise God he was able to make it through! There is a lot of chanting and speaking for him in the ceremony.  The richness of the Jewish ceremony deepens my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

At the Synagog
Ireland Family!
Celebration after the service
Lighting of the candles
The chair raise!
Can’t leave out Aunt Nancy!
Enjoying the party: Esther and Nolan
Dancing away!
Enjoying the confetti
Enjoying the tubing hill!

We got to spend quite a bit of time with Greg’s brothers families.  We rented a house together. When we arrived we went to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point to see dinosaur bones!  What a great way to spend with all the nephews!

Enjoying the dinosaur exhibits!
Enjoying exploring with my hubby!
Kaley and I enjoying the dinosaurs!
Building a dinosaur
My rockstar nephew!
Jadon loving the exhibits!

The family went up to Park City to explore the ski areas.  Unfortunately I was sick and stayed behind. They had a blast!

Park City!
