Jadon is 7 years old. That is hard for me to believe. He is growing into a young man in many ways. He loves jokes, reading, legos, trains, playing and watching baseball, and watching football, although he is not a Vikings fan, but a Seahawks fan (enter gasp). He started playing piano this year as well. I am amazed at what he has learned in four months. He will also be finishing up the 1st grade curriculum in February and then he is off to start the 2nd grade curriculum. He loves learning, which makes my heart full. When you ask him what he wants to do when he grows up he will tell you a missionary. We have read a lot about missionaries this past year and half. He is currently reading about Nate Saint. I’m excited to see what God has in store for his future. My prayer is Greg and I will prepare him the future God has in store for him.
To celebrate Jadon turing 7 we had a Ninja Birthday Party. With the help of the world wide web, I was able to find some pretty awesome Ninja training actives. The kids had a blast!
We are so thankful to have such great friends that would join us and celebrate Jadon in such a busy season!
Happy Birthday Jadon! Looking forward to year 7!
-Love Mom